Today’s world of people whom only read the book of life by the cover, image is everything. Society of this generation is quick to express opinion while even though they may have little more then a surface understanding on the topic. As photographers we shape the image wither negative or positive to our viewers.
Imagery effects faith in the same way. The masterminds behind the many faiths of the world use images of their gods and prophets portrayed in a heavenly and perfect way to give correct image about the religion. Imagery helps create and destroy faith, for example every time a person is in a Christian church they will see Jesus nailed to the cross, giving us the image of sorrow and sacrifice. This reminds Christian of the sacrifice Jesus made for them. Yet the swastika was once a symbol of life but taken by the Nazi’s it has eternally become an image of evil, destroying its pervious faith and followers. Image is everything.
Photography can enhance faith by sharing it and spreading it. When photographers take pictures they capture a moment, a time and an essence. For example if millions of people gathered in Vatican City to hear the pope speak, a photographer could take shots of those millions of people and enhance the faith of others by sharing it. Humans like to know they are not alone in the world so by sharing that photo of millions of people similar to the viewer it would enhance and strength their faith. When I see crowds of many people for pro-life rallies, gathered at mass, or to hear the pope speak, my faith is enhanced because through the photographs I learn I am not alone in my pursuit of faith.
Photographs can be used to express any feeling, thought or idea through different means and mediums. Photographs can show the good virtues of man but also the most evil and heinous actions as well. If a photograph was used to show the conditions of war to people back home, it would be a good photo because it correct informs its viewers, but if a photo was used for an action of propaganda it would be negative because it misinforms its viewers. Just as the actions of humans, photographs can be morally good and evil but we as the shaper of these images control their purpose and plans according to our belief system.
“Seeing is believing” Why would somebody spend two hundred dollars on Photoshop? Or why would someone use half their movie budget on special computer generated effects? For the vary reason that seeing is believing. If people in today’s world can see it, they will believe it because before their eyes, soaking in, is proof (real or artificial). If something doesn’t exist, for example Big Foot, and you a couple of buddies ran around in the woods playing dress up and taking picture of your friend dressed up does that make Big Foot real? In the realm of the photo Big Foot is real because the photo depicts Big Foot to the viewer, while in the realm of reality Big Foot doesn’t exist.
In a sense, when you press down on your big round “take the picture button” an image is captured. Any modern day idiot could figure this much out and thus said anyone can take a picture. So a photograph grants ownership when these conditions apply,
1) A well thought out and planed subject matter – The photograph must thing and plan for a good shot, he or she must consider every angle, every method, every use of light and every variation of focus possible to capture the subject matter in the way he or she would want to shape it.
2) Methods of photography – wither it be motion blur, dept of field, tilt shift or perspective a photographer must choose the correct means to achieve the correct effect on his or her photograph.
3) Something new and captivating – Yes, your dog is cute, but it’s been done. Following the norm will get you no where fast in taking powerful and meaningful photos, the photographer must be originally only being guided by his influences not replicating them.
When these three conditions take place the photographer owns that object, location, person or situation because he was the one that pulled the trigger that image becomes his work of art.
According to these guidelines of photography some of my works having ownership and some to do not depending on how I came to the means of the photo. I have taking a picture of a dog, I do not own this dog but I have set up my camera to allowing in light by having the shutter staying open and adjusting the appropriate amount of light to capture my shadow, I own my shadow.
Photography haunts me, as it slowly becomes tangled deep inside me. For no longer can I go outside, go to a friends house, go to school, or even go to the bathroom with out saying “darn, I wish I had brought my camera” Now, when I go down my morning leaving the house check list instead of just pencil, wallet, keys. Its pencil, wallet, keys, camera. Every time I miss a shot it eats at me for the rest of the day because now that I had learn the joys of taking a great photograph I never want to miss an opportunity to take another.
I find myself constantly lining up shots through the view finder which use to be just my eye. I find myself staring into the sun because the light is perfect through the trees. I find myself bending like a gymnast over a guardrail for the perfect angle. I find myself slowly become a photographer.
Viewing the world as a set of photographs is dangerous because anything can be photographed, and anything will be photographed. Some days its better just to leave the camera at home and let the day occur with no documentation for if every day is documented our photographs will become dull, repetitive and bleak, if we go in and hunt for the photographs, its highly unlikely we will come out with successful photographs.
Part 3
1)I take photographs to preserve, entertain, and shock;
Preserve; everyday is a gift, and everyday I forget a little bit more but by taking photos I can relive my yesteryears like they where my yesterdays.
Entertain; art is a medium through which ideas can be express, I entertain my ideas through my photos to my viewers.
Shock; using my photographs I intend to shock and cause a sense of disbelief in my views my achieving surreal photos.
2)My photography has drastically changed for the better because of my work this semester. My learning and applying the processes that where the overall themes for the projects my photos took one giant leap in the right direction. Always having an intresting in photography I came into the class knowing what cool shots looked like and had played around with cameras here and there but learning the processes gave me the edge I need to become a good photographer. My new skill and passion has transcended A.D.I. class and aided me in becoming the photo editor for the school newspaper the Visor.
3) Once I make enough banks to buy my very own DSLR, I would like to pursue more sports and action photography. Using the rapid fire mood on the schools camera I was able to capture some beautiful moments in an athlete’s performance. Stills taking from motion allow us to break every movement down in to simple motion by motion movements. Besides what could be better then taking pictures and sports?
4)Photography has grown from a hobby to a passion for me after this semester and theirs no apparent reason to stop in the near future. Once I have my big boy camera, I will only learn to love and photograph more and more. I need to avoid abusing my passion by over using it, for it’s very easy to become burnt as a photographer. I need to cultivate a better understanding for every function of the camera, for every function has a purpose.
5) A photograph become art when it takes on the two faces of a physical and emotional side. When the photo portrays first to the eyes as visually pleasing, and then once soaked in the emotional side reveals itself bit by bit to the viewer. All photos I chose for my exam deadline I consider works of art for the contain sides of physical and emotional elements. These photos took thought, multiple tries, different processes, experimenting, and evaluation of subject which is why I consider them art.
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